• Sustentabilidad:

We continue to focus on sustainability within Endeavour’s supply chain and are committed to developing more sustainable supply chain practices. We expect all suppliers to follow Endeavour’s standards for safety and health, human rights, environmental responsibility and anti-corruption, and we work closely with our supply chain to ensure these policies are adhered to.

We use best efforts to buy goods and services from nearby sources whenever possible, not only for competitive pricing but to ensure local communities benefit from our economic activity. In Mexico, much of our supplies and equipment can be acquired locally or nationally, and we only turn to international suppliers to obtain certain heavy equipment and mineral processing chemicals not available within areas to our operations.

Our commitment to source locally is outlined in our Policy of Procurement and Contracts, and all purchase decisions must be made in compliance with this policy.  In situations where a number of potential suppliers meet the same evaluation criteria, preference is always given to the local supplier.

At our Guanaceví mine, we support and engage with local artisanal miners. They mine concessions on a small scale or hand-sort material from surface dumps and deliver truckloads of ore at our plant for testing and purchase.

We accept mill feed from small-scale local miners. Our plant managers supervise the delivery, weighing and sampling of the material, and arrange for payment. The higher price environment has resulted in an increase of third-party ore available for purchase from local miners within the district.