• Sustentabilidad:

Elevating stewardship of our planet to reduce negative impacts, protect ecosystems and support environmental sustainability

At both the global and local level, swift action is required to reduce human-kind’s combined impact on the planet, and safeguard a legacy for future generations. We at Endeavour are committed to being responsible stewards of the earth’s resources. Respecting and protecting our environment are integral to how we operate, our corporate reputation and the ecological health of our host communities.

We have worked for years to manage our environmental impact, and through our Sustainability Strategy 2022-2024, we are increasing efforts to lessen our carbon footprint, improve management of tailings in the mine life cycle, and protect local water bodies and biodiversity.


Scope 3 Emissions
tracked for the first time, for our two producing mines
of waste was diverted from landfills
water recycling rate, beating our 85% target

Our goal is to mobilize action towards a low-carbon economy, by reducing our production of greenhouse gas emissions.

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Safe, responsible management of our tailings and other waste is an important focus of Endeavour.

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We work as a team, and with suppliers and community partners, to protect water and biodiversity.

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Alignment to the United Nations SDGs