Sustentabilidad: Business
Ethical Culture
Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the Code) reflects our commitment to a culture of honesty, integrity and accountability. Reviewed and updated regularly, the Code establishes the essential standards we expect all employees and those doing business with us to uphold.
We distribute a copy of the Code to our employees during the orientation process and post it at key locations across our sites. All employees must complete training on the Code and sign a declaration by which they confirm their compliance to always adhere to the Code.
Adherence to the Code is a mandatory condition of employment. Individuals who fail to comply with the Code and all applicable laws are subject to disciplinary measures, up to and including discharge from the Company or termination of the business relationship. Every year employees complete a ‘training refresher’ of the Code to reinforce our workplace standards and expected behaviours workplace.
Topics covered in our Code Include:
- Conclicts of interest
- Confidentiality
- Protection and proper use of company assets
- Insider trading
- Fair dealing
- Environment
- Equal opportunity, discrimination, and harrasment
- Human Rights
- Indigenous Peoples
- Health and Safety
- Financial and Business Disclosure
- Gifts and entertainment
- Improper payments
- Reporting of illegal or unethical behaviour
Complementing the Code and reflecting a commitment to be a premier mining company, our company values represent ‘The Endeavour Way’ of doing business. They are based on our Te Cuido philosophy of taking care of each other. There are five core values:
- Integrity
- Care
- Attitude
- Reliability
- Excellence
These values act as a roadmap to guide our work and actions each day, keeping us on track across everything we do.
We respect and uphold fundamental human rights, both in our workplace and in local communities. Our commitment is embedded in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, our Human Rights Policy, and our Diversity Policy. We are guided by global standards such as the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.
We foster a work environment free from discrimination against gender, race, culture, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, or political/religious beliefs, and we do not tolerate any form of harassment. Employees are encouraged to speak out if a co-worker’s conduct makes them uncomfortable, and to report harassment or discrimination if it occurs.
Endeavour respects the rights and cultures of Indigenous Peoples. We have embedded our commitment into corporate policies. These include our Sustainability Policy, Human Rights Policy, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, and Diversity Policy.
While child labour exists as a general country risk within Mexico, we maintain strict proof-of-age policies and hiring procedures at all sites, to prevent anyone under the legal working age of 18 from obtaining employment. This proof-of-age requirement extends to our contractors and suppliers, who are required to provide us with documentation confirming that they do not employee anyone under the working age permitted by law.
Endeavour also prohibits the use of forced labour and this is disclosed in Company policies that apply to employees, contractors and suppliers.
We take a zero-tolerance approach to any form of bribery and corruption. We adhere to all laws and best practices in this area, and our commitments and practices are outlined in our Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy to ensure we take a consistent and comprehensive approach wherever we operate.
Corruption-related risks are evaluated at the management level as part of the Company risk assessment process, supplemented by our thorough internal financial controls, which are in place to monitor aspects of operations that could be affected by bribery or corruption. Both risk management and internal controls are reviewed and evaluated annually by the Board of Directors.
We strive to foster open communication in our workplace and with all our stakeholders. Endeavour takes seriously any issues raised about possible misconduct or non-compliance. We encourage employees and stakeholders to speak up because this helps us learn, take action and further build an ethical culture.
Stakeholders can use the Endeavour Trust Line to report any concerns or ethical dilemmas. The Trust Line is managed by a third party company. The system is confidential and secure, and people can choose to remain anonymous. All reports are investigated by a multidisciplinary committee and actions are taken based on the results of the investigations.
Our Whistleblower Policy provides a Company-wide protocol for reporting — without fear of reprisal —any apparent fraudulent, unethical or illegal activity or behavior related to financial matters (concerns related to non-financial matters go through the Trust Line). Concerns can be raised on a confidential and anonymous basis. Reports are directed to the Chairman of the Audit Committee, and we investigate and document all concerns.
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