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May 9, 2023

Latest Standards and Tools Support Biodiversity at Terronera

As part of our commitment to apply best environmental practices, we have adopted Performance Standard 6 from the International Performance Standards, on "Biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of living natural resources" at Terronera, to serve as our primary reference for biodiversity management. This complements the existing laws, regulations and official Mexican standards we follow, to protect and conserve biodiversity and maintain benefits derived from ecosystem services. Ultimately, we strive to promote sensitive management of natural resources by practices that integrate onservation needs with development priorities and ensure a balance between development and biodiversity, to achieve no net loss.

As part of the Equator Principles (EP4) requirements, and because of the ongoing efforts for the monitoring and the biodiversity in the regional environmental system, we know that the current state of forest conservation has been affected from human activities and that there is a potential for positive impact from the conservation and protection programs that Terronera will carry on, particularly in the most sensitive and vulnerable habitats.

To help strengthen our efforts, we are introducing a new tool at the Terronera project that corresponds with the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP), and helps guide our compensation, environmental  improvement, conservation, and sustainable use relevant to different habitats and species found in the region. This tool is considered a “living plan” and will be updated as new results are generated, alongside strategic alliances with government and landowners to drive more actions to mitigate, restore, conserve, and achieve sustainable use of the area’s natural resources.

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